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Gingevectomy- a solution for gum disease

Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting periodontitis. Periodontitis cannot be cured using regular antibiotics as is the case with gingivitis. Periodontitis leaves the gum loose and shapeless. Gingivectomy is aimed at reshaping the gum through removing the lose gum tissue. This procedure also gets rid of the pockets between the teeth and gum. Pockets between teeth and gum are a major cause of Anchorage gum disease

















The dentists will do everything he can to heal periodontics before it becomes very severe. After all other procedures prove not to be working. Gingivectomy is the only solution. In the operating room, an anesthesia is first administered to numb the gums. Normally they use laser technology to remove loose tissue in the gum. After this, putty is applied over the gum line. The function of putty is to protect the gum as it heals. Soft food and slightly warm drinks are the only food that one can take before the gum heals.


After the surgery


Once you are out of the operating room, you can resume all daily activities. There are no restrictions that come with this surgical procedure. The gum will take around one month to heal. The appearance of the gums is subject to change after the surgery.

Gingivectomy is a simple surgical procedure with very few complications. In the event of pain, one can take pain killers. It is important to follow the dentist’s instruction, especially the directions on the kind of food to be taken.


Why is gingivectomy important?


Gingivectomy is very vital for victims of periodontitis. This severe gum disease leaves the soft tissue of the gum exposed to infection. In addition to this, the condition creates pockets between the teeth and the gum. If tartar or plaque accumulates in the pockets, the gum is at risk of infection. Gingivectomy gets rid of the pockets and allows the gum to heal so that the roots of the teeth and the vulnerable gum tissue are not exposed.


It is important to maintain good oral hygiene after the surgery. The surgery heals gum disease and prevents the occurrence of gum infection in the future.




The gum is a very delicate tissue. During the surgery, it is possible to introduce bacteria in to the body via the blood stream. For this reason it is important to take antibiotics before and after the surgery. Caution should be taken if the patient has other conditions that put them at risk of infections. You should alert the dentist if you have one or more of the following conditions;


  • Heart diseases; heart conditions will put a patient at risk of the infection referred to as endocarditis.

  • Impaired immune system. There are several conditions that reduce the immunity of a person including HIV.

  • Recent surgery that involved the installation of artificial body parts.

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